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Przemówienia 2017


“Europe’s elective affinities” Europa Union Deutschland: 70th anniversary celebration, 11 January 2017, Berlin / 11 Priorities of the Maltese Presidency of the Council of the European Union Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC), 22–23 January 2017, Malta / 18 Discussion on the European Commission Work Programme 2017. Meeting of the Chairpersons of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union (COSAC), 22–23 January 2017, Malta / 18 Future of the European Union Plenary debate on the future of the EU, 14 February 2017, European Parliament, Strasbourg / 23 Plenary debate on the Banking Union Annual Report 2016. Plenary session statement, 14 February 2017, European Parliament, Strasbourg / 24 “Global aspects of the regime for CCP recovery and resolution”. QED conference on CCP recovery and resolution Panel on “Global coordination, operational and legal challenges”, 2 March 2017, Brussels / 26 “Institutional implications of the triggering of article 50”. Open Europe and Joint Law Societies Event on Brexit, 8 March 2017, Brussels / 31 Rola kobiet w polskiej gospodarce. Otwarcie uroczystej gali wieńczącej VIII edycję konkursu Bizneswoman Roku, 9 marca 2017, Warszawa / 34 Unia Europejska. Wykład w ramach cyklu „Wyzwania współczesności”, Akademia Sztuk Pięknych, 9 marca 2017, Warszawa / 38 “A New Transatlantic order: Brexit, Europe and a new US administration”. AmCham EU’s Transatlantic Week 2017, 10 March 2017, The Hotel, Boulevard de Waterloo 38, Brussels / 47 Review of the regulation on the statute and funding of European political parties and foundations. Plenary session statement, 15 March 2017, European Parliament, Strasbourg / 49 Contribution to the Extraordinary Conference of Speakers of EU Parliaments on the occasion of the 60th anniversaries the European Communities, 17 March 2017, Rome / 52 “The Future of Europe” Keynote Speech at the Conference on The Law & Politics of Brexit. Dublin City University, School of Law & Government, 21 April 2017, Dublin / 53 “The Commission’s proposal establishing a framework for CCP recovery and resolution”. FIA CCP Risk, Clearing & Default Training Semina, 27 April 2017, Brussels / 64 “Is the European Union up to the challenges ahead?” AECA – The American Community Association Round-Table event, 9 May 2017, Brussels / 67 “Harnessing globalisation by 2025”. Plenary debate on “Harnessing globalisation by 2025”, 16 May 2017, EP, Strasbourg, France / 72 Teraźniejszość i przyszłość Unii Europejskiej. Wykład dla Uniwersytetu Trzeciego Wieku, Collegium Civitas, 19 maja 2017, Warszawa / 73 Przyszłość Europy w kontekście pięciu scenariuszy zaprezentowanych przez Komisję Europejską, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem miejsca Polski w Europie. „Z Macronem wbrew eurosceptykom?”. Debata o przyszłości Unii 26 maja 2017, Warszawa / 76 LVII Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union, 28–30 May 2017, Valletta / 84 Intervention during the Session II: The role of national Parliaments in the future of the, EU LVII COSAC, 29 May 2017, Malta / 96 “Legal consequences of Brexit” Opening remarks Hearing of the Committee on Legal Affairs European Parliament, 30 May 2017, Brussels / 96 “Recovery and resolution for Central Clearing Counterparties (CCPs)” Introductory speech to the European Parliamentary Financial Services Forum, 30 May 2017, Brussels / 97 Contribution to the panel “The Future of Europe: The Withdrawal Agreement with the United Kingdom”, 25th Summit of Chairs of EPPaffiliated Groups in National Parliaments, 25 June 2017, European Parliament, Brussels / 99 Dialogue seminar with religious communities on: “The Future of Europe – Reflections for the EU by 2025”. Realizing the untapped potential of the current EU Treaty framework. European Parliament, 27 June 2017, Brussels / 104 Skutki Brexitu dla biznesu. Wystąpienie dla Konfederacji Pracodawców Prywatnych „Lewiatan”, 30 czerwca 2017, Warszawa / 106 Opening remarks Transatlantic Policy Network, 18 July 2017, Washington / 112 Battling fake news, hate speech and violent extremism online: Are freedom of expression and a vibrant, global Internet caught in the crossfire? Panel I: “Fake news: Wither to!”, Center for Transatlantic Relations, John Hopkins University, 20 July 2017, Washington, USA / 114 Will Brexit change the political and strategic dynamics of US-European cooperation? Working meetings of “Transatlantic Group” and European Ideas Network/ International Republican Institute/Hudson Institute, 20 July 2017, Washington, USA / 118 Speech at the event celebrating the publication of the report “1000 companies to inspire Europe” by the London Stock Exchange, 5 September 2017, European Parliament, Brussels / 121 Miasta przyszłości − ogrody czy fortece? Kongres Miast Ogrodów, 9 września 2017, Kolumna / 122 Brońmy Polski w Europie! Kongres Kobiet, 9 września 2017, Poznań / 130 Banking Union: best thing that happened to us. Panel intervention at the Eurofi conference “Banking Union: how to make existing pillars more effective?” 15 September 2017, Tallin, Estonia / 139 EMIR review and CCP supervision Speech at the APCO forum event on the review of EMIR, 27 September 2017, APCO worldwide, Brussels / 143 Polska i euro: czas na decyzję. Europejskie Forum Nowych Idei: globalizm, bilateralizm, patriotyzm gospodarczy? Wyzwania dla społeczeństw i biznesu, 29 września 2017, Sopot / 147 Brexit: a challenge and an opportunity European Forum for New Ideas: Globalism, Bilateralism, Economic Patriotism? Challenges for Societies and Business, 29 September 2017, Sopot, Poland / 151 Intervention during the plenary debate on the state of play of negotiations with the United Kingdom, 4 October 2017, European Parliament, Strasbourg / 156 Eurowstąpienie albo II liga. Perspektywy dla Polski w zmieniającej się UE. IX Konferencja dla Budownictwa, 6 listopada 2017, Warszawa / 157 It will be done! Spinelli Group Citizens Dialogue on the Future of Europe, 8 November 2017, Aachen, Germany / 158 Najnowsze rozwiązania dotyczące odporności, restrukturyzacji i uporządkowanej likwidacji kontrahentów centralnych: na jakim etapie jest Unia Europejska i dlaczego bieżąca debata jest ważna?, listopad 2017, Polska / 164 Recent developments on the resilience, recovery and resolution of Central Clearing Counterparties: where do we stand and why do the current discussions matter? November 2017 / 177 The Executive Training Seminar Protecting Liberal Democracy in Illiberal Times: A Focus on the European Union. European University Institute, 17 November 2017, Florence / 189 Remarks at the panel “Bringing Europe closer to its citizens: what are the best practices of the national parliaments?”. The Plenary Meeting of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union, 27 November 2017, Tallin, Estonia / 203 The Plenary Meeting of the Conference of Parliamentary Committees for Union Affairs of Parliaments of the European Union, 27 November 2017, Tallin, Estonia / 204 Intervention during the debate on the Oral Question – European Parliament’s right of inquiry, 13 December, 2017 Strasbourg / 210 Intervention during the joint debate “Preparation of the European Council meeting on the state of play of the negotiations with the United Kingdom”, 13 December 2017, Strasbourg / 210

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